Hi, I am Jia. Nice to meet you!
I am interested in promoting sustainable agriculture from the soil microbiome perspective. In particular, I work on improving the detection of microbiome functional genes that are involved in the important soil processes, such as nitrogen cycling. Previously, I developed MetaFunPrimer, a command line-based pipeline to design primers for high-throughput qPCR. Learn more about my current project in PROJECTS page.
In my free time, I enjoy to read and think with a cup of tea, do sports, just started indoor climbing! I am a passionate learner in data science and programming, enjoying working on related projects both individually and in collaboration.
Exploratory Data Analysis with Seaborn (with a focus on data visualization) - Section 2
Visualize variables in a dataset with Seaborn package in Python
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Represent microbial species profiles
There are around ten billion bacteria in a handful of soil. While the underground microbial universe plays important roles in earth biogeochemical processes, it is challenging to investigate and represent the microbial species profiles as well as their functions.
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